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Here is my biography in third-person. Click the clipboard button in the top-right corner to copy the text.

Bryon Tjanaka is a Ph.D. candidate in the ICAROS Lab at USC advised by Stefanos Nikolaidis. Bryon researches robotics and AI, particularly applications of quality diversity optimization to reinforcement learning and human-robot collaboration, and he is supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. Bryon completed his undergraduate studies at UC Irvine, where he worked with the indylab and the Mobley Lab and graduated summa cum laude. Concurrent with his research, Bryon recently interned at InstaDeep, and he has previously interned at Google for several summers. During high school, Bryon won the VEX Robotics World Championship with Team 86868.

Here is my biography in first-person.

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the ICAROS Lab at USC advised by Stefanos Nikolaidis. I research robotics and AI, particularly applications of quality diversity optimization to reinforcement learning and human-robot collaboration, and I am supported by the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship. I completed my undergraduate studies at UC Irvine, where I worked with the indylab and the Mobley Lab and graduated summa cum laude. Concurrent with my research, I recently interned at InstaDeep, and I previously interned at Google for several summers. During high school, I won the VEX Robotics World Championship with Team 86868.